Author: Tori McGowan

The Importance of Pest Control in Integrated Pest Management

A pest control vehicle, equipped with holding tanks and racks for tools, is an essential investment. This helps keep your business organized and enhances professionalism when servicing a customer’s home or office.

Pest Control Columbia MO has three goals: prevention, suppression, and eradication. Preventing a pest problem before it occurs is the best way to minimize damage.

Pests are undesirable organisms (insects, bacteria, fungi, nematodes, weeds, viruses or vertebrate animals) that damage crops, lawns, garden plants, food stores, human structures and clothing. They also can displace native plant species and disrupt terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Pests can also cause human health problems, injury or death.

Prevention is the best way to control pests. It involves keeping them out of buildings, yards or other outdoor areas by eliminating their habitat and food sources. It is a vital component of integrated pest management (IPM) strategies, which minimize the use of pesticides and other toxic substances in order to protect human health, property, and natural resources.

Preventing pests is often easier than controlling an infestation that has already occurred. Regular inspections of homes and businesses can identify potential pest entry points such as cracks in walls, loose siding, open roof eaves and utility line openings. These can be repaired with sealants or filler products. Regularly cleaning counter tops, tables and floors can prevent crumbs or food buildup that attracts pests. Using screens in windows and doors can reduce the need for pesticides. Regularly removing garbage from storage or outside trash cans can eliminate pest breeding sites and keep them from accessing indoor areas.

Some physical controls, such as traps, barriers and fences, are effective for both preventing and controlling pests. Devices that alter the environment, such as radiation or heat, can sometimes be used to control pest populations. Creating sanitary conditions in storage and transportation areas can decrease the opportunity for pest infestation, especially when packing or unpacking valuable artifacts for display or storage.

The most common natural method of pest control is parasitism, which uses living organisms to help remove unwanted organisms. Parasites may be insects, birds or other animals that live on or in a pest and obtain their food from it. Fungi and bacteria can also function as parasites, infecting humans or plants and causing disease. Pheromones can also be used to control pests, as they can be used to direct a pest’s behavior towards a certain area or target organism.


The goal of suppression is to reduce pest numbers or damage to an acceptable level with the least disruption to other living organisms and nonliving environments. This can be done with natural, biological, or chemical control tactics. Natural controls include weather conditions that limit pest populations, natural enemies that injure or consume them, cultural practices that change environmental factors needed to support the pest population, and resistant varieties that are less likely to be seriously damaged. Chemical controls include plant growth regulators, fungicides, insecticides, and herbicides.

A few pest species, such as certain viruses and some weeds, can be controlled by using natural enemies that injure or consume them. Many other pests are controlled by predatory animals, birds, amphibians, and fish that prey on them or by parasitic insects or nematodes that infect them. In some cases, pheromones (mimetic signals that female insects send out) can be used to confuse males and prevent mating, reducing pest populations.

Some features of the environment restrict the movement of some pests, such as mountains or large bodies of water. Other factors such as availability of food, water, shelter, and overwintering sites influence pest population sizes. Some pests can be controlled by removing or changing the supply of water they need, and by preventing them from receiving a steady diet of their preferred host plants.

When prevention and suppression aren’t sufficient, regulatory controls are employed to contain or eliminate pest problems that threaten human health or safety, the productivity of agricultural crops or natural resources, or the viability of human enterprises. Regulatory controls can be applied by government agencies, industry groups, commodity or field associations, Cooperative Extension agents, and State land grant universities.

Before applying any control tactic, it’s important to study the pests and their biology, the potential for unintended consequences (e.g., negative effects on native species that are not pests), and the ability of the control method to achieve a sustainable result. This planning helps ensure that the most suitable pesticide is chosen and that it is applied correctly, according to the label instructions and NMSU guidance documents, to minimize risks to human health, beneficial organisms, nontarget species, and the environment. It’s also necessary to plan for pesticide application timing and consider the need for personal protective equipment and pesticide cleanup supplies, as well as to make sure that any site or facility is suitable for the application of the chosen pesticide.


In some cases, a pest becomes so widespread or damaging that its elimination is required. This might be the case with invasive plants, such as Japanese knotweed or the gypsy moth, or infested buildings and sites. Eradication is accomplished by eliminating all individuals of the targeted species in an area to which recolonization is unlikely. This is often accomplished through the use of biological controls (such as parasitic nematodes), physical methods such as trapping, barriers and exclusion, cultural practices, or chemical treatments such as baits, spot treatments, soil solarization, and heat treatment.

The first step in any eradication program is to identify the target species. It is important to understand the life cycle of the pest and know how it interacts with its environment so that the best management techniques can be applied. This will also help in deciding whether to use preventive or suppressive approaches.

Once the pest is identified, a plan can be developed to eliminate it using whichever method is most appropriate. This will involve considering the cost-benefit of eradication and assessing any potential environmental impacts. It is important to remember that eradication is not a permanent solution and that the target species may re-invade areas in which it has been eliminated. For example, screwworm eradication efforts in North America have been largely unsuccessful, and populations of gypsy moths and medflies are still reoccurring in formerly eradicated areas.

Preventive measures can be a very effective way to control pests and reduce the need for pesticides. These include removing sources of food, water and shelter; storing and disposing of garbage in sealed containers; fixing leaky plumbing; and reducing clutter around the home and worksite.

Another preventive measure is to encourage natural enemies of the pest by planting flowering and nectar-producing plants. This will also reduce the need for insecticides that will harm these beneficial insects. If pesticides are used, it is important to always read and follow the label directions. Also, be sure to record the name and EPA registration number of any chemicals used so that you can find out more about them if needed.


In integrated pest management, monitoring is an important first step. Monitoring provides a picture of the level of pests present within a given area and when control action may be needed. It also allows for trend analysis. Monitoring can be done in a number of ways, depending on the pest and the situation. Visual inspection, trapping, pheromone and volatile oil baits are common methods of pest monitoring.

Regularly checking and servicing monitoring devices is an important part of any pest control program. This includes ensuring traps are clean, properly wound or set, and in the case of rodent bait stations, providing fresh bait. In addition, some mechanical traps now have sensors that provide immediate notifications (via text and/or email) if they capture an insect or are moved. This can be very useful in reducing risk by allowing a designated person to repurpose their time spent on routine device checks to more value-add activities.

Using traps to monitor a food processing facility’s environment for pests can be a valuable tool. In general, pests are attracted to food processing environments for the water, food and shelter available. Their presence can lead to physical contamination of foodstuffs by ingested or excreted organisms, chemical contamination from microbial pathogens and intestinal worms carried in the guts, and damage to equipment or structures.

For a variety of reasons, many food producers use a professional service to manage their pest control needs. Pest monitoring is typically included in their contract, along with the frequency and type of pests to be monitored, reporting structures, agreed methods of treatment and warranty and insurance terms.

Depending on the situation, pest monitoring can be as simple as counting insects caught in sticky boards or as complex as a progressive sampling system that declares a certain level of pest infestation as definitely over/under a threshold and then resuming if counts are below or above the threshold respectively. A healthy dose of common sense is necessary when interpreting pest monitoring data as well. For example, catching many early instar German cockroaches in a trap will provide a clear indication that a harborage point is nearby and requires control measures.

How to Negotiate a Car Accident Settlement With Your Car Accident Attorney

A car accident can be a frightening experience. It can also be financially devastating, with medical bills, vehicle repair costs, lost wages and more adding up quickly.

Car Accident Attorney Rockville can help you navigate the legal system and recover the compensation you deserve. But how do you choose the right one?

Car accidents are traumatic events that can disrupt people’s lives. They can leave people with severe injuries and even with no way to get around. In addition, they can also lead to expensive medical bills and loss of income due to inability to work. This is why seeking medical attention should be a top priority for anyone involved in a car accident. Besides being vital for your health, seeking immediate treatment can also strengthen any future personal injury claims you may file.

Whether your injuries are minor or not, it’s important to visit a doctor immediately after the crash. This is essential for your wellbeing, as the adrenaline rush post-accident may mask the severity of some injuries. For example, whiplash or internal bleeding may not manifest symptoms right away. However, it’s possible that they will worsen over time if left untreated.

Furthermore, a professional can assess your injuries and provide comprehensive treatment that ensures you recover as fully as possible. They can also provide documentation that can help you prove your claim for compensation. This documentation is often crucial to securing compensation for economic damages such as lost wages or medical bills and non-economic damages such as pain and suffering.

In contrast, the insurance companies will look at a delay in getting medical attention as evidence that you are not as seriously injured as you say you are. They will try to use this as a reason to reject your claims or lower the amount of damages you deserve.

As a result, it’s crucial that you avoid communicating with the insurance company of the driver who caused the crash or the owner of the vehicle. If you’re asked to sign any document by the insurance representatives, refer them to your lawyer. If you’re contacted by the insurance company for any other vehicle, make sure to direct them to your attorney as well. This will keep your communications and legal proceedings professional and will prevent the other party from attempting to take advantage of you.

Write Down Everything You Remember

Whether it’s in the days immediately after the accident or while you are recovering from your injuries, write down everything you remember. Even if it seems like a minor detail, it could be important for your case down the road. For example, if you have neck pain the day after the crash that you didn’t notice before and you continue to experience it regularly, your lawyer will use this information to demonstrate how much your injuries have affected your life.

You should also write down what you saw at the scene, including the location of the accident and weather conditions. It is a good idea to record what you recall hearing from witnesses, police officers and the at-fault driver as well. These notes can prove extremely useful during a trial.

When writing down your memories, think about it like a play-by-play account of what happened. It is a great way to organize your thoughts and recall important details that may be forgotten later on. You should also include how you felt throughout the accident and your recovery. For example, if you were scared, upset or angry, be sure to record these feelings as well. However, don’t include anything that can be used against you in court such as rants or slurs.

Another important thing to note is any medical expenses you incur as a result of the accident. Be sure to keep receipts and invoices from your doctor visits and pharmacies. You can then provide these documents to your car accident attorney. It is unlikely you will be able to remember every expense over the course of a long recovery and it is easy for documents to get misplaced or lost.

When searching for a car accident lawyer, it’s important to find one with the right credentials and a good track record. A good lawyer will have a successful history in this type of law and will work with other professionals, such as accident reconstructionists and medical experts to build a strong case. Additionally, they will typically charge a contingency fee basis so that you won’t be required to pay upfront for their services.

Don’t Accept a Lowball Offer

When insurance companies are aware that victims may be desperate for funds, they will often make an initial lowball offer in hopes that the victim will accept it before having a chance to consult with an attorney and learn the true value of their claim. The problem is that this type of offer can be extremely hard to resist, especially since victims can’t pay their bills and living expenses unless they receive some form of compensation.

When it comes to car accident compensation, there are many factors that need to be taken into consideration including current medical bills, future treatment needs, lost income, property damage, pain and suffering, and more. In order to properly calculate the amount of money that an accident victim deserves, it takes a considerable amount of time and effort. This is why it is vital to seek the help of a qualified personal injury lawyer in order to get a fair settlement for your claim.

It’s important to refuse a lowball offer from the insurance company because they are simply trying to save themselves money. Insurance companies know that victims will likely be desperate for money after an accident and that they may not have the time or resources to hire a car accident attorney. This allows the insurance company to coerce victims into accepting their lowball offers before they can have a chance to work with an attorney and learn that the damages are far more than what the insurance adjusters are offering.

In addition to making a lowball offer, insurance adjusters can also use other tactics to try to trick victims into accepting their offers. For example, they may pressure victims to give a recorded statement about the incident or try to influence their doctors to write reports that support their position. These types of statements and doctor reports are not only untruthful but can have a serious impact on the outcome of your case.

Finally, insurance companies may even try to deny a victim’s claim or push them into accepting lowball offers by claiming that they are running out of time to file their claim or by implying that they won’t be able to find a competent attorney in time. This is why it’s important to hire an experienced attorney as soon as possible so that they can level the playing field and fight for a fair settlement.

Hire an Attorney

A car accident can leave you with more than just an injury — it can also put a financial strain on your life. You may need to pay for medical bills, repair or replacement of your vehicle and possibly lost wages. All of these costs can add up quickly and make it even harder to get back on your feet.

It is always a good idea to hire an attorney as soon as you can after a car accident. Your lawyer can help you gather information, negotiate with insurance companies and ensure that you receive full compensation for your losses.

Before you speak to an insurance adjuster, it’s important that you have a strong understanding of how car accident damages are calculated. An attorney can help you understand what factors go into your case’s valuation and how those impacts differ from state to state.

Taking photos of your injuries and the scene of the crash is a great way to document the impact. The photos will provide you with a visual representation of what happened and help the claims representative better determine fault. If possible, take pictures from multiple angles to give a comprehensive picture of the collision.

Also, be sure to exchange information with the other drivers involved in the accident. Write down their name, address, phone number, insurance carrier and policy number. Also, take note of their license plate number and any witnesses at the scene.

It’s also a good idea to keep receipts of all expenses related to the crash, such as for medical bills or auto repairs and replacements. Email these receipts to the adjuster if possible or bring them to your appointment. You should also start keeping track of any other financial impacts that the accident has had on your life, such as increased expenses for groceries or household goods.

An experienced car accident lawyer can assess your damages and make recommendations about how much to ask the insurance company for when you file your claim. They can also review your medical records and other evidence to ensure that you’re seeking the maximum compensation available under your policy.

Garage Door Repair Basics

Garage Door Repair involves repairing, replacing, and maintaining the equipment that supports the operation of a garage door. This includes springs, torsion assemblies, tracks, bearings, rollers, and automatic openers. Garage door technicians need to have technical knowledge, problem-solving skills, physical dexterity, and a willingness to follow detailed instructions and diagnostic manuals.

Garage Door Repair

A damaged panel is one of the most common issues homeowners encounter with their garage doors. Whether it’s from normal wear and tear or an accident, a panel that is scratched, dented, bent, or otherwise compromised can significantly affect the function and appearance of the door. Visit to learn more.

Fortunately, there are several repair options available when it comes to garage door panels. Depending on the nature of the damage, and the severity, you may be able to simply repair it with a bit of filler and paint, or in some cases, replacement might be necessary.

To determine the best course of action, it’s important to first assess the damage and determine if it affects the structural integrity of the door. Minor dents and scratches aren’t necessarily a cause for concern, but larger cracks or bends can compromise the structure of the door and pose a safety risk.

For any significant or extensive damage, it’s best to enlist the help of a professional Orange County garage door repair company. They’ll be able to provide you with the right advice and guidance and can perform any repairs or replacements required quickly and effectively.

To begin, it’s important to take accurate measurements of the damaged panel and to order replacement panels that are a perfect match for the existing ones. It’s also crucial to disconnect the power and secure the door before beginning any work. Finally, when it comes to installing the new panels, make sure to handle them carefully to prevent any additional damage. Once the new panels are in place, it’s important to test the functionality of the door and make any necessary adjustments. Proper maintenance will ensure that your garage door remains in good working condition for years to come.

Misaligned Tracks

Misaligned tracks aren’t just annoying; they can be dangerous for your door and your personal safety. Over time, a variety of things can cause your garage door tracks to become loose or out of alignment. Loose bolts, environmental factors (like temperature changes), or improper installation can all lead to track misalignment. Fortunately, there are a number of simple steps you can take to fix the problem on your own.

First, listen closely as your garage door moves up and down on its tracks. Identify any positions where you hear a rubbing noise; this is a sign that the rollers are encountering more friction than is necessary in that spot. You can then use a wrench to loosen the track bolts and move the tracks back into their correct position. Be careful not to over-tighten, as this could strip the bolts or damage the track. Then, use a level to ensure that the tracks are perfectly vertical and horizontal.

If you’re unable to repair the tracks on your own, it’s best to call in the professionals. They have the tools and experience to do a thorough job, ensuring safe operation and longevity for your garage door. Regular track alignment also helps prevent the deterioration of other parts of your door, like the rollers, hinges, and opener, extending their lifespan and minimizing expensive repair costs in the future.

Broken Rollers

The rollers, located on the tracks on both sides of your garage door, are responsible for smooth and controlled opening and closing. They are made of steel or nylon and designed to withstand repeated use and minimal friction. When you start noticing that your garage door makes excessive noises or jumps off its track, it’s likely time to replace your rollers.

To make sure you’re purchasing the right replacement rollers, it’s best to measure them before installing them. Specifically, check the diameter, length and stem length to ensure your new rollers will fit your current garage door and work seamlessly with your garage door opener.

In addition to replacing your rollers, you’ll also want to inspect the tracks for any signs of damage or misalignment. Minor collisions with vehicles or debris can bend or warp your tracks, and this can throw off the balance of your entire system. To prevent additional issues, it’s a good idea to straighten your tracks with a hammer or track tool before continuing your garage door repair.

Before you begin removing and replacing your garage door rollers, turn off the opener to prevent anyone from accidentally opening or closing the door while you’re working on it. Once your safety precautions are in place, disconnect the power cord from your garage door opener and remove the screws on both hinge brackets that hold the rollers in place. Once you’ve removed the old rollers, carefully pry them up out of their mounts and place your new rollers in their places. After completing your repairs, manually test the door to ensure it operates smoothly.

Broken Springs

One of the most common causes of a broken garage door is worn springs. Springs offset the weight of the door and allow it to be opened and closed easily, either by hand or with an automatic opener. Over time, the high-tension steel in these springs will lose their effectiveness and need to be replaced. When they break, the garage door will likely become crooked and won’t open or close correctly. Broken springs also often loosen the cables, which can cause other problems.

Homeowners often attempt to replace their own garage doors’ springs, but this is usually a job best left to the professionals. Working with springs that are under such high tension is dangerous and requires special tools. Additionally, the springs can snap if not handled properly. If you’re planning to try replacing your own garage door’s springs, make sure to follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer of your door.

There are two types of garage door springs: extension and torsion. Extension springs are long, skinny springs that run parallel to the horizontal tracks of the door. They store energy by extending or stretching when the door is opened. Torsion springs, on the other hand, are mounted above the garage door using a pulley and eyebolt. They are available in two different styles: open-looped and double-looped. Open-looped springs have an open wire at the end, while double-looped springs have two coils that connect to the moveable pulley and eyebolt.

Both types of springs can be damaged by rust, corrosion or just normal wear and tear. They’re also rated for only a few thousand cycles – or openings and closings – before needing to be replaced. Over the course of a single day, many households go through a minimum of two cycles just getting their cars in and out of the garage. This repeated use can lead to a broken spring in just a few months.

Broken Hardware

When parts like hinges, shafts, rollers and drums break it can have a big impact on your garage door’s functionality. Depending on the type of break, these parts might need to be repaired or replaced completely. For major hardware repairs, it is usually best to leave the job to a professional garage door repair technician. This will help you avoid making further damage and ensure the repair is completed correctly.

It is also recommended that you don’t attempt to work on any broken components with an open or moving door. This can result in further damage to your garage door and even pose a safety risk for you or anyone else. If you’re working with a broken door, always disconnect the power from the opener unit before you start working on the broken component. This will prevent accidental activation while you are trying to fix it.

Minor issues like squeaky hinges may be easy enough to resolve on your own, but if you’ve tried to reduce the squeaking and it hasn’t worked, it’s probably time to call a professional. These professionals have the tools, parts and knowledge needed to get your garage door back to functioning properly as soon as possible.

If you have a door that opens and closes but doesn’t engage with the motor, this is likely because of an issue with the sensor lenses. These are often blocked by dirt or something placed directly in front of them. Cleaning the sensors and ensuring they are aligned is a quick repair that can be done by yourself without the need for professional assistance. However, more serious problems requiring the replacement of gears and belts should be handled by an experienced technician to minimize potential damage to other parts.

Eye Doctors and Ophthalmologists Work Together to Ensure Healthy Vision

A wide range of health issues can impact your vision. That’s why eye doctors are often the first ones to detect such conditions as diabetes, high blood pressure, and autoimmune diseases.

Your eyes have a unique structure, including pigmented cells, a rich network of blood vessels, and the optic nerve that carries visual messages to your brain. These features make them vulnerable to many medical issues. Contact Eye Doctor Ellicott City MD now!

A typical eye exam begins with the doctor asking you about your vision problems and any health issues that might affect your eyes, such as high blood pressure or diabetes. Then they’ll use a variety of tests and medical apparatus to examine the inside and outside of your eyes.

They may start by shining a bright light into your eyes to see how well you can focus (eyesight test). You might also be asked to read from an eye chart while they watch to ensure the letters get smaller as you move down the line. This test is called visual acuity.

The doctor might also use a special instrument to measure the thickness of your cornea, which could indicate glaucoma. During this test, you will sit in front of a machine with your head resting on a chin rest. A thin probe is inserted into the front of your eye, where it touches the cornea for a few seconds to make a measurement.

You might also have an ocular motility test, where the doctor asks you to follow a penlight or light with your eyes without moving your head. This can detect weak muscle control and help identify problems such as strabismus (crossed eyes) or amblyopia (lazy eye).

The last part of the exam usually involves the slit lamp examination, in which your doctor shines a light from a small device called an ophthalmoscope directly into your eye. Your pupil will be dilated using drops before this happens, and your eye doctor can then take a close look at the back of your eye through the pupil to examine the retina, optic nerve, blood vessels and choroid coat.


A comprehensive eye exam is the medically recognized standard for ensuring healthy vision and detecting eye diseases, including glaucoma, which can lead to blindness. Eye exams also safeguard overall health by detecting conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure and autoimmune diseases before they can damage other organs of the body.

Eye diseases often have no symptoms in the early stages, so it’s important to visit your eye doctor regularly. An ophthalmologist can perform a detailed, dilated eye exam by injecting you with medication that widens your pupils, giving them a better view of the inside of your eyes. This allows them to assess the strength of your vision, check how well your eyes are aligned and examine the retina and optic nerve for signs of a disease such as macular degeneration.

An ophthalmologist can also use other tests to diagnose eye diseases and disorders, such as an Amsler grid, which makes lines appear fuzzy and warped when you have macular degeneration, or a fluorescent dye test called a fluorescein angiogram, which detects leaking blood vessels in the retina. They can also prescribe medications, low vision rehabilitation therapy and spectacle lenses and contact lenses.

There are several warning signs that indicate you need to see an eye doctor, ranging from pink eye (which is caused by a virus or bacteria) to blurry vision. Red eyes, especially if they are accompanied by pain or a discharge, could indicate a serious problem like a broken blood vessel in the retina. Other signs that should prompt you to make an appointment include sudden double vision and seeing black spots or flashes of light, which may indicate a retinal tear or macular degeneration.


Whether you’re dealing with eye allergies or the effects of aging, both optometrists and ophthalmologists can treat common eye conditions. The two types of doctors work closely together to ensure patients receive comprehensive care.

Optometrists are medical doctors (OD) or osteopathic doctors (DO) who specialize in eye health and vision care. They’re trained to diagnose refractive errors—including myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism—and prescribe corrective lenses like eyeglasses or contact lenses. Optometrists can also perform a variety of in-office procedures, such as foreign body removal and instillation of medications.

Ophthalmologists have completed medical school, a transitional year internship, and a residency in ophthalmology or a related field. They can provide a wide range of services, including removing foreign bodies from the eyes, conducting laser vision correction surgery, and treating cataracts, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, and other eye-related problems.

After completing their undergraduate degree, ophthalmologists must complete four years of medical school. During their medical training, they’re assigned to various rotations in internal, family, and pediatric medicine, obstetrics/gynecology, and surgery, among others. They can also choose to focus on a subspecialty in ophthalmology, such as pediatric ophthalmology or retinal disease.

During an in-office dry eye treatment, an ophthalmologist will use a special device that heats and massages the eyes at the same time. This combination of LED-based heat and gentle pressure works to unclog clogged oil glands and reduce dry eye symptoms. The treatment typically takes just a few minutes and is very effective. It’s a great option for those who suffer from chronic or severe dry eye and want relief. Often, the treatment can be repeated as needed. You can purchase a similar device from a dry eye specialist to use at home, such as the TearLab Ocular Surface Treatment.


The prescription that your eye doctor fills in tells the makers of your glasses or contact lenses how strong (or weak) your eyes are and what kind of lens you need. It also identifies whether you are farsighted, nearsighted or have astigmatism.

There are several methods that an eye doctor can use to determine a prescription for your glasses. These include retinoscopy, autorefraction and subjective refraction. The first two do not require the patient to provide feedback and are therefore ideal for infants, bedridden patients and non-communicating adults. Subjective refraction is the most accurate method, however it requires a trained technician to perform and can be time consuming.

Your prescription will include abbreviations like RE (right eye) and LE (left eye), as well as a number between 1 and 180 indicating the strength of your astigmatism correcting lens. It will also include a spherical number and cylinder power for each eye. The spherical number is the amount of diopters needed to correct your nearsighted or farsighted vision, while the cylinder power indicates the orientation of the astigmatism correction in your lens (it can be positive or negative).

Some eye doctors may add other information to your prescription such as PD (pupillary distance) or BVD (back vertex distance), which refers to the distance between your pupils. Others may include a notation of the shape of your corneas (toric, mono-scleral and irregular), as this can help ensure that your new lenses fit correctly. In addition, your prescription should contain a date of expiration and any restrictions on the type and brand of lenses you can purchase. In most cases, you have the right to get a copy of your prescription from your eye doctor at no extra cost. You should always keep a record of your prescription in a safe place, or at least take a picture of it with your smartphone, to make it easier for you to access it when you need it.


In some cases, an eye doctor may need to refer a patient to another ophthalmologist or medical specialist. This is a vital part of ensuring the best care for a patient. However, effective comanagement of referrals requires more than just knowing what to do. It also means building relationships, addressing challenges and knowing when to tap into the expertise of your colleagues.

For example, if an eye doctor wants to take advantage of the advanced diagnostic capabilities available at a tertiary center, they may need to build relationships with those ophthalmologists. This can be challenging, especially for newer optometry practices, but it’s important to reach out to those in the community and establish a network that will last throughout your career.

Similarly, it’s important for eye doctors to build relationships with primary care physicians and other medical specialists. This can help ensure that patients receive the appropriate care, and it can prevent unnecessary or overlapping tests. In addition, medical insurance providers require a referral from a physician before they will approve treatment.

Finally, a referral is often required in order to qualify for special services, such as cataract surgery. This is because the surgeon will need to know the eye condition of the patient in order to provide an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.

To avoid violating the anti-kickback statute (AKS), ophthalmology practices should obtain expert legal advice before offering any incentives to their referral sources. While expensive meals and tickets to sporting events might seem like a good way to build rapport, they could be considered illegal inducements and subject the ophthalmology practice to a whistleblower lawsuit. Likewise, ophthalmology groups should carefully consider the implications of hosting educational courses for optometrists, as the provision of such educational materials may violate the AKS and lead to a whistleblower lawsuit.

The Essential Guide to DIY Plumbing: Tips for Homeowners

Aurora CO Plumbers install, repair and maintain the pipes and fixtures that provide water, waste and heat in residential and commercial structures. They read and interpret blueprints and building codes to determine the best location for pipes, and use specialized tools to unclog drains and fix leaks.

The career requires manual dexterity, attention to detail and interpersonal skills. It also involves working with hazardous materials, including sewage and other contaminants.

Plumbers are responsible for the installation and repair of a range of plumbing fixtures and appliances. This includes toilets, kitchen and bathroom sinks and faucets, bathtubs, showers, water heaters, and more. They also install and repair backflow prevention devices and septic tanks. Plumbing services can be provided both in homes and commercial settings. Plumbers must be knowledgeable about all relevant building codes and regulations. They also need to be able to interpret blueprints and plans. Plumbers often work with construction teams to ensure that the plumbing systems are integrated seamlessly into new buildings.

Plumbers must be familiar with a wide variety of tools and be able to use them effectively. They may need to dig and cut pipes in tight spaces, so they need physical stamina and good manual dexterity. They must be able to identify and diagnose problems based on observations and the information they have received from customers. This can involve using specialized equipment like video cameras to inspect pipes, pressure gauges to test for leaks, and other diagnostic tools.

Some plumbers specialize in specific types of plumbing fixtures and systems. For example, some are experts in installing and repairing dishwashers and garbage disposals. Others may focus on heating, cooling, and ventilation systems. Still others may provide general plumbing maintenance services. These might include replacing washers and gaskets, unclogging drains, and fixing leaks and other minor repairs.

Plumbing companies often offer emergency services as well. This can include responding to calls from homeowners or business owners about clogged drains, low water pressure, or other issues that require immediate attention. These plumbers are often trained in how to quickly and efficiently address these concerns to minimise the disruption to the customer’s life or business.

A high school diploma is typically the minimum educational requirement to become a plumber. Many people obtain their training through an apprenticeship program. These programs last between two and five years and cover all aspects of the job, from learning about the latest equipment and systems to understanding local plumbing codes and regulations. Apprenticeships are usually offered through vocational schools and technical colleges.


Plumbing is a hands-on job that requires physical exertion. It is not recommended for people who suffer from back problems or other chronic conditions. Plumbers are required to wear protective gear including masks, goggles, and gloves when working on pipes or handling dangerous materials. These safety measures are necessary to prevent contact with hazardous materials like toxic chemicals, bacteria, and viruses. It is also essential to maintain proper work area hygiene by cleaning up spills promptly and disposing of trash properly.

Some of the tasks performed by plumbers include repairing broken faucets, toilets, water heaters, and drains. They may also install new fixtures such as sinks, bathtubs, and showers. They also inspect sewer systems and connect them to water supply lines. They may even test for leaks in sewage pipes using a special tool. Plumbers often perform these tasks in residential homes, but they can also be found in large commercial buildings and industrial settings.

Plumbers usually receive on-the-job training through an apprenticeship program, which lasts from four to five years and combines classroom instruction with paid on-the-job training. Those who wish to become plumbers should have at least a high school diploma or equivalent and be able to read blueprints.

There are a few different types of plumbers, each with their own specialty. Licensed residential plumbers are experienced in new installations and repairs of plumbing fixtures such as toilets, showers, and water heaters in single-family homes. They can also handle bigger jobs such as re-piping and whole-house re-wiring.

Licensed commercial plumbers are skilled in installing and maintaining plumbing systems in larger buildings such as offices, malls, and schools. These plumbers are typically required to have more experience in handling larger-scale plumbing projects and may be required to submit to a background check before being hired for these kinds of jobs.

Sanitary plumbers specialize in testing and repairing sewage systems, and they are often required to handle dangerous bacteria and microbes that are excreted from human waste. These bacteria and microbes can cause infections such as cholera, typhoid, hepatitis, and ascariasis. Because of this, sanitary plumbers must use specialized tools to remove and replace contaminated sewage pipes and disinfect the entire plumbing system before it is used again.


A plumber can fix a variety of plumbing problems. Some common issues include clogged drains, toilets that don’t flush, leaky faucets, and faulty water heaters. Some of these problems can be fixed by homeowners, but it’s best to hire a professional to ensure that the repairs are done correctly and that the home or business is safe.

A skilled plumber can quickly identify and address the problem to prevent further damage. They also have the tools and knowledge to ensure that the repaired system is functioning properly. Plumbers can also handle more complex plumbing issues, such as sewer line repair. Sewer lines can get damaged by tree roots, heavy rains, or freezing temperatures. When this happens, the pipes can clog or break, leading to wastewater backflow and severe property damage. Plumbers can use special cameras to inspect the sewer lines and make the necessary repairs.

Plumbers are trained to understand the physics behind how plumbing systems work. They can troubleshoot and diagnose issues with ease and come up with solutions that are effective, affordable, and durable. Plumbers can also help ensure that all of the work they do complies with local building codes and regulations.

Plumbing is a physically demanding job that requires stamina and strength to lift and maneuver objects. It also requires manual dexterity to work with small parts and pieces. Plumbers need to be detail-oriented and able to think critically in order to solve problems.

In addition to their technical skills, plumbers must have excellent customer service and communication skills. They must be able to listen to their customers’ needs and concerns and explain complicated topics in easy-to-understand terms. They should also be reliable and punctual.

In addition to repairing plumbing problems, plumbers can also assist with installing new fixtures and appliances. They can install garbage disposals, water filters, and even whole-house filtration systems. This can save households money in the long run by reducing their energy consumption. In addition, they can help homeowners avoid costly repairs by identifying and fixing issues before they become serious problems. Some of these issues may be easy to overlook, such as a slow-draining sink or a toilet that constantly runs. However, ignoring them can lead to major problems down the road, such as flooding or sewage backups.


If you’re facing a plumbing emergency, you’ll want to call a plumber right away. These professionals can help you fix the problem quickly and effectively, so you can get back to normal in no time. They can also provide preventative maintenance services to keep your plumbing in good condition.

A plumber can diagnose problems with your plumbing by inspecting the entire system. They can use video cameras to check the inside of your pipes and find out what’s causing the problem. They can also test the water pressure to make sure everything is working properly. You should always hire a licensed plumber to perform these tests and inspections.

Typically, an emergency plumber will charge more than a regular plumber. This is because they are available after hours and on weekends, which means that they have a higher cost to cover. If you’re in a pinch, try to find out the estimated cost before hiring them.

Some plumbers have a flat fee for an emergency service, while others charge an hourly rate. When choosing an emergency plumber, it’s important to choose one who will treat your home with respect and not cause damage. You should also make sure that the plumber has a license and insurance to work in your home.

A clogged drain can be a huge hassle and inconvenience for homeowners. It can lead to overflowing toilets, flooding basements, and other issues. You can prevent clogged drains by regularly cleaning your kitchen and bathroom sinks and disposing of trash properly. If you’re facing a blocked drain, contact a local plumber right away for fast and effective service.

Most plumbing emergencies are caused by leaks, but some can be prevented with regular maintenance. Regularly checking your plumbing and addressing any minor issues as soon as they arise can save you a lot of money in the long run. Make sure to install a sump pump in your basement and insulate the pipes in unfinished areas of your house. You should also consider getting a whole-house water filtration system to reduce the risk of water contamination.

Is Epoxy Flooring Right For Your Business?

Epoxy is an excellent option for refinishing floors in your business, but there are some things you need to consider before choosing it. This guide will help you decide if Epoxy Flooring Morgantown WV is suitable for your space.

Epoxy Flooring

It can take several days for epoxy floor coatings to cure. During this time you will not be able to park your car or use the space for any other reason.

Durability is one of the most significant benefits of epoxy flooring, especially when it is installed by seasoned specialists. The floor coating will last much longer than floors covered with carpets or tiles, and it also has protective qualities that make it resistant to extreme wear, stains, water, and shock. This durability makes it a cost-efficient choice because property owners don’t have to worry about replacing or redoing the flooring for extended periods.

Industrial areas are commonly exposed to heavy traffic, wetness, heat, or shocks, and the durable surface of an epoxy coating is capable of absorbing impacts without damage. Epoxy is highly resistant to chemicals, brake fluids, oil, corrosive materials, and more. It can also support the weight of machinery, tools, and vehicles, and it is not easily damaged by these factors.

The smooth surface of an epoxy coating produces a nonslip surface that can significantly reduce the chances of accidents and injuries in industrial environments. It can even be enhanced with traction-enhancing additives like vinyl flake or mild aggregate to further enhance safety. This helps to protect employees from accidental slip-and-fall incidents and keeps them safe and productive in their workspaces.

Epoxy can also be applied to existing concrete surfaces, and it is not as difficult to install as other types of flooring products. However, it is important to ensure that the concrete is thoroughly prepped before applying the product, including testing for moisture. If the concrete is wet, a new layer of epoxy may not bond with it correctly.

The best way to test for moisture is to pour a small amount of water on the surface of the floor. If the water beads, it is still possible to apply epoxy, but the process will be more involved and you may need to hire a professional to do so. The good news is that a professional can quickly and efficiently address any issues that arise, so you can continue working on your projects. This can save your business valuable time, and it also prevents a potential loss of productivity that could otherwise affect revenue.


Aside from being incredibly durable, epoxy floors are visually appealing. They come in a wide range of colors and finishes, offering a customizable look that complements any style. They also have low maintenance costs, which makes them a great option for homes and businesses. Moreover, they can increase the value of your property and improve the overall look of your space.

Epoxy is one of the most versatile flooring solutions available today. You can choose from a variety of color mixes, and you can even opt for a floor coating that has decorative flake incorporated into the finish. The flake comes in different sizes and styles, and the size you choose will have a significant impact on your floor’s final appearance. For example, smaller flakes can create a modern-looking design with a multi-color mix, while larger flakes work better as a single-color installation.

The sheen of an epoxy floor is an attractive feature in any garage or other residential spaces. Its high-gloss finish reflects light into the room, making it more visible. This can be especially helpful for commercial showrooms and facilities with poor lighting conditions.

Furthermore, an epoxy floor is easy to clean and maintain. In addition, it is resistant to chemicals and stains. Unlike tiles, which can crack and chip easily, an epoxy floor can withstand a high level of traffic without showing signs of wear and tear. This makes it ideal for heavy-duty industrial applications.

Another benefit of an epoxy floor is its low-odor and moisture-resistant properties. This makes it a good choice for a home or garage, where smell and moisture are common problems. Additionally, an epoxy floor is more affordable than other flooring materials such as tiles or vinyl.

The best way to get the most out of your epoxy floor is to hire a professional to install it. A reputable contractor will ensure that your concrete is prepared properly before applying the epoxy coating. The preparation process typically involves grinding, shot blasting, and scarifying. In addition, an experienced technician will use the proper tools and techniques to apply the epoxy coating.

Easy Maintenance

Epoxy floors have a smooth surface and don’t need harsh cleaning chemicals like those used to maintain other types of flooring. A mop is typically all that is needed for regular maintenance. The only time that a harder brush might be necessary is to remove tire marks, and this can easily be accomplished with a concrete degreaser. The floor can also be waxed to add extra protection, which is a good idea to do if the floors are heavily trafficked and exposed to lots of sun.

Since they are a seamless system, epoxy floors can be installed without the need to cut or remove existing tiles, wood or vinyl flooring. This means that installation is quick and easy, which can save both money and time. At B-Protek, we can typically install an epoxy floor in 3 to 4 days, although this varies depending on the size of the space and the type of finishes chosen.

Proper care of epoxy floors is essential to extend their lifespan and keep them looking glossy and new. Sweeping and dusting daily in high-traffic areas will help to keep dirt, grit and other debris from scratching or etching the surface. Waxing the floor once a month will also reduce the risk of gloss-dulling build-up. It is also a good idea to place a walk-off mat near the entrance of the space to trap dirt and grit that might be tracked in, as well as chemicals such as battery acid, which can damage the floor.

When stains do occur, it is important to clean them up immediately to prevent the liquid from soaking into the resin top coat and causing further problems. Tough stains may need to be soaked up with a diluted solution of ammonia and water, which can be prepared by diluting 1 part ammonia with 10 parts water. This should be wiped on the stain and allowed to soak before being scrubbed with a nylon bristled brush. Rinsing thoroughly afterward will help to ensure that the floor is fully dry.

In addition to daily cleaning and rinsing, it is recommended that epoxy flooring be protected with mats or plywood when jacks or other equipment are used on the floor. This will help to prevent the floor from denting and will make it much easier to clean up any debris that may fall off equipment.


While epoxy floors are naturally durable and resistant to stains, many homeowners and business owners still worry that the floor will be slippery. This is not an unreasonable concern, as slippery surfaces can easily cause accidents and lead to costly lawsuits. Fortunately, there are easy and cost-effective ways to make your epoxy flooring slip-resistant.

One simple way is to add a fine texture to the final epoxy coat. This texture, which is often achieved by adding flakes, will increase traction and reduce the risk of slips. Professional installers can adjust the amount of flakes in the floor coating to create a traction level that matches your needs and concerns.

Another method of making an epoxy floor slip-resistant is to apply a topical anti-slip sealant to the surface once it’s cured. This will give the floor a more grippy surface and can help reduce accidents in high-traffic areas of your home or business. Regular maintenance will also ensure that your epoxy floor stays slip-resistant over time. Sweeping the floor daily to remove grit and dirt, mopping it with mild cleaning chemicals at least once a week, and reapplying the protective wax will keep your floor looking and functioning like new.

The most effective and long-lasting method of making an epoxy floor slip-resistant, however, is to choose a specialized anti-slip additive that will be incorporated into the resin before it’s applied to the concrete. The additive, which can be anything from sand to specialized anti-slip granules, will provide the extra traction needed to prevent accidents. Professionals can incorporate the additive into any type of epoxy, ensuring that the floor will be safe and secure for years to come.

Epoxy flooring is a smart choice for homes and businesses, offering beauty, durability, and safety. While it may be more expensive than other options, it will last longer and can be installed quickly to save you time and money in the long run. It also helps protect the environment by reducing landfill waste and lowering greenhouse gas emissions. It is a sustainable option that will add value to your property and boost your business’s image by creating an attractive and welcoming space for customers and employees alike.
